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Camera phones, digital cameras and web cams are everywhere these days, and children can be victims of their own inexperience with new technology. Many of them post pictures, videos or notes online that they later regret.


The worst thing about social networking websites is that anything nasty posted about you, can be seen by lots of people, this,cautions Bullying. This can be made worse because the bullies make sure they tell everyone where to find the abuse.

A child's online reputation is a growing concern, with the rise of online social networking and profiles.If you  There are reports of schools and employers rejecting young people after checking out what applicants have posted online.



Tips to not have a damage reputation:


  • Protect Yourself from Bullies:

Just like in the halls of high school, there are bullies in the break and board room. No amount of apologizing or actions will make a bully back down because they like to attack the weaknesses they see in others. You must stand up to them.


  • Even if you delete your posted photos, others may have already copied them into public forums and websites.


  • Do not let anyone, even friends, take pictures or videos of them that could cause embarrassment online


  • Talk to your children about possible consequences, the experts say


  • Don´t upload anything that can be dangerous for you in the future




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